What Art? 1

1) Describe the mood of the image(s)  What is the expression on the faces of the models?  What is their posture?
      The mood of the first image is depressing, the first girl stands straight giving a side profile looking  looks like she is worried or waiting for someone or something. The second girl seems to look uncomfortable as if someone told her to pose that way. She leans up agains a wall, slouching awkwardly. 

2) Think about technique.  How do you imagine these images were created? Oil paint? Photoshop?
     The images look like they were taken with a camera and then touched up with photoshop and then painted over with oils. The first photo seems to look like it was a majority of oil paints and the second photo looks more photoshopped with some oil painting on her.

3) Ask yourself what role color plays in the images(?)  Does it accentuate the mood?
    Role color helps set the mood of the painting. The red in the background gives off an angry mood.

4) Finally, what do you think the artist intended to convey with these images?  What response was he/she attempting to evoke?  Do you think the effort was successful?
      I think the artist was trying to convey two different emotions from these images. The first image was portraying sadness and the second image was portraying discomfort. The effort was very successful when portraying it in the same general picture.


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