"Lost In the World Like Me"

1.) What is the general premise of the video?

The general premise of this video is that everyone is stuck in a world of phones. Everyone's eyes are glued to their technology devices and that nothing is true. When I say nothing is true, I mean that no one has any sympathy for what anyone does in the world. 

2.) Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?

This video is very effective in conveying it's intended message. It represents how society is today and that everything revolves around technology. 

3.) Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?

I feel like this is more of an examination of our current social situation. The reason behind that is, because everyone does what that video shows. People find that it is ok to record a situation when it is the wrong time. Also, no one likes to talk in person, they'd rather text and sometimes what they say may not even be genuine. Not only do I think that it is more of an examination of our current social situation, I also think that it is also a cautionary story. In the video, it shows a group of people standing on a large landfill. That hasn't happened yet, but if the world keeps acting like how they are, we will end up living on a landfill. 


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