Fear Project

Mazeophobia: fear of getting lost


  1. I think that the fear shown in the photo is that you're scared of getting lost. This picture is successful because a corn field is a good example of getting lost. I like how the picture is organized and the colors that were used. The only thing i would change is to maybe blend in the text a little more.

  2. this fear picture is conveying the fear of getting lost, and i think it is really well done. i like the location of the picture, because nothing could show getting lost better then being in a cornfield, i wouldnt change anything in the photo or editing, good job.

  3. I think the picture really portrays what your fear is. It truly looks like you're lost in a huge field. I think the location was perfect for your fear.

  4. 1. I think the fear being addressed in this picture is the fear of being lost and not knowing your way.
    2. I feel as though this picture captured the fear perfectly because it shows how she is lost in a maze and trying to find her way out
    3.I really loved the irony of taking this picture in a maze while its called mazeophobia.
    4. I honestly would not change anything about this


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