
Showing posts from October, 2019

Reflections of a Future Self


The Power of Internet Images

1.) Based solely on the photographs Jenny chose to post, the image she is trying to project is being adventurous, determined, brave, wild, and creative.  2.) I do think she was successful in portraying all of those descriptions. The reason for that is because, you can see her going to the beach having fun, holding someone's hand going wild or determined to go somewhere with that person, or sitting up high looking over the city (now that is a very brave thing to do). 3.) I do think she would be a great mother, role model, neighbor and friend. She looks like a person who would give such great advice and does not let any one cruel get to her.  Overall, Jenny looks like a person who is just trying to say, "Have fun and don't let anything stop you from doing that! "

Selective Editing Using Actions


Selective Editing Using Adjustments


Selective Editing Using Filters


Perfectly Symmetrical

Right: Left :